Nuances of Job-Interviews with the Millennials
We, at our online resume writing service (for your information – the Resumeble reviews are always very good), know that If you are the interviewer, then forget what you know about Millennials. It is true that many Millennials think they are owed a living and feel that they are special, but this is only because they have just spent their entire education being told they are special snowflakes and that their feelings are all that matters. A few years in the job industry usually sets them right, which means most Millennials you meet will be no different from you and I, with the mild exception that some learn faster than others when it comes to what matters and what they think matters. Nevertheless, if an interviewee is still a delicate snowflake, then that person has probably had very little experience in the workplace.
The Millennials That Cries
Bill Burr once said that a zero-tolerance policy on bullying has ruined the Millennials generation, and where his opinion seems absurd, his message seems to play a part in the workplace. Bill Burr went on to give the example that there is no point in training a Millennials to be the very best programmer in the world if he/she cries because the boss raised his or her voice. With that in mind, you may wish to test the Millennials a bit during the interview.
For example, if your workplace is a place where free-flowing ideas are sometimes robustly given, then maybe offer a bit of that workplace culture within the interview and/or show the Millennial around to give him/her a taste of the workplace. Maybe foul language is used a lot, or maybe people shout a lot, or maybe people pick on each other in a friendly way. You may need to expose the Millennial to that type of behavior. If the Millennial seems shocked, then maybe that is not the employee for you.
Drop the Stereotype Because It is Only Partially True
A stereotypical view of a Millennials may have you believe that he or she will turn up for the interview dressed in a “Vote Pikachu” shirt, and then stop the interviewer half-way so that she/he can re-tweet something funny. This is obviously not going to be the case, but the stereotype isn’t born from nothing. You have to remember that Millennials of a certain age have been raised by their phones in the same way that the generation before was raised by TV. Where people of the previous generation may have spouted popular TV sayings, people of the Millennial generation are spouting online memes and social media sayings. Neither is all that different with the exception that you are used to hearing TV-centric saying and mannerisms whereas you are less familiar with popular social media and/or meme sayings.
Conclusion—Don’t Worry Too Much About the Nuances of Job-Interviews with the Millennials
The fact is that the people who work for you have to adjust to the way you do things. If there are things you do not like about Millennials, then do not hire them, or have them change and alter to fit in with the culture of your workplace. Millennials are just people, and they are just as adaptable as the generations that came before them. The negative things they may have picked up in college and school can be quickly drawn from them when they experience the harsh realities of the real world.